There is a truth to averages...this is a truth I am now going to explore...
There is something profound in our participation in the whole. We know that each of our perceptions and experiences is different, but at each level of perceptual and experiential organization, at each categorization of consciousness, the average of the perception and experience nears the truth...there is more or less of a whole to average, as there are varying considerations as to what of consists the system...
Here is what I mean: if you take a jar of jelly beans (or, what have you) and ask 1000 people how many beans are in the jar, you will get answers that vary wildly, but upon average you will see that it is near a perfect match to the truth. If you flip a coin 1000 times, the truth will be revealed: that coin is exactly half tails and half heads. If you look at the online comments thread of someone-who-seeks' advice on Reddit, you will see that the most up-voted answer is one that is the best answer, as this average-y mechanism works to reveal the truth. After all, if we look a little more deeply, we will see, the truth as to "what it is" is one where we have made agreements (based on fabricated symbolism like doubt, symbolism that enables expansion of imagery to describe new systems). To see the truth of some system's happenings becomes a fabrication as it assumes that something else is not the truth, and thus we lose Truth (big T - Tao, if you will). This distinction of "what it is" from "what it is not" seeks and answer to close the loop, to make it that we think something happened...but no matter...the truth is still relevant within that loop...
An average is a comment on where the weight lies, where the gravity pulls. There are different mechanisms at play with the jelly beans, coin flipping and Reddit advice, but this average-y truth consideration behaves according to a rule larger than these differences...
We humans are mostly caught up with communicating our consciousness to those others we are near and/or love. My truth is what I know, but Our truth is what we have agreed to be true through Our communication. Indeed, I agree with myself that what I know is true...
There is Truth that takes the Universe as one system, and we sense Truth as an averaging of this system. We look for the peak in the bell, the fattening of the statistics. It is highly fractal, fundamentally fractal. The little truths parsing out Truth...
There is a truth to averages. There is a foundation to understanding by seeing where the gravity pulls, by having perspective...
Find that understanding and fractalize that understanding. The larger the fractal the larger the system...
I fractalized my understanding...and yes, too, I can be as an average, to lie where there is become pure perspective...there is something fundamentally beautiful to be able to be able to see you...